everytime i go to the sand peoples enclave(with the sandpeople disguise on) they attack me and u cannot get past the gun turrets because everytime it says, whole party has died when they have like full health i need serious help... PS is this required to do to get the star map? email me please or respond here
yes u need to enter the enclave, and its tricky the first time and very easy once u know how to. The only thing u need to do is kill 3 guys from the sand people (tusken raiders), grab his stuff, and equip you and ur party members with the sand people's clothes. Now just enter the enclave dressed as sand people and ur done. Once u get inside, u can raise a hell and kill them all, be sure to kill the chieftain and get his stuff, and for the light path, just enter the enclave with hk-47 and try to get to a pacific solution.