hey malak, i have a few questions about rules you've stated in the walkthrough that i don't understand. first, why do we have to be a soldier? wouldn't it be possible to be a scout and still cross-class with mission? next, let's say we don't want to cross-class with mission and become a scoundrel, could we do our level 3-4 cross class with zaalbaar instead? in which case you'd be a 3 soldier/1 scout. thirdly, why must we stop at level 3soldier/4scoundrel? since the levels obtained with the scoundrel don't matter, couldn't we just keep going as long as we get them? finally, why do we have to walk back forth through the door at the enclave after we get to level 12? since we keep gainin attribute levels every 4 levels, why not just stand in the same place and level up to 96, and then walk through the door? i totally love your guide man, it makes the game fun to play again after having beaten it a few times. these questions are just some quirks i noticed, i haven't tried any of them out, but i wanted to bring then to attention, maybe it could further diversify our jedi gods. peace.