1- wile doing the attribute glitch the feats and skills u chosse will stick with u
2- u said u need wisdom and intellinge over 30 in oreder to get infinite skills points thast a lie after u do the atrribute glithch if u level any skills over 125 it wil go alkl the way around like -124 thats how u reaaly get that glicth
3 -LEVIATHAN GLITCH that glitch there is no invisible line just open all dooors and u can even interact with bastila
4-to get 2305 Skill Points u can be any class
5- for the begiig of the game the attributes u say recomend to chose are not the best it is beetter if u chosse only strench, dex, constitution the others u will get thema t dasntonnie
6- just an idea y dont u keep the 2350 skillss point until u r level 5 so most of skill r class skills