I hope that if you succeded using the guide and you have created a Super Jedi, post your statistics, u know how mine ended, just copy and paste so u dont have to type again.
Character Level: ............20 Vitality: ...................680 Force Points: ...............1546 Defense: ....................41
This thread is just to place the stats of your super jedi, if u want to ask other things just start a topic. All non related posts here will be deleted.
quote: Originally posted by: Darth Malak "I hope that if you succeded using the guide and you have created a Super Jedi, post your statistics, u know how mine ended, just copy and paste so u dont have to type again. Character Level: ............20 Vitality: ...................680 Force Points: ...............1546 Defense: ....................41 Strength: ...................59 +24 Dexterity: ..................50 +20 Constitution: ...............54+22 Intelligence: ...............40 +15 Wisdom: .....................150 +70 Charisma: ...................20 +5 Fortitude: ..................38 Reflex: .....................34 Will: .......................85 Computer Use: ...............68 Demolitions: ................120 Stealth: ....................72 Awareness: ..................127 Persuade: ...................106 Repair: .....................68 Security: ...................126 Treat Injury: ...............127 Credits: ....................$150,689 Experience: 220115 Best weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber Damage 11-29 Attack Modifier +9 "
Are these the stats at the end of the game or right after you became a jedi ?
Character Level: ............20 Vitality: ...................1280 (numbers messed up on status screen) Force Points: ...............1281 Defense: ....................93
I wouldn't recommend such a high STR because on critical hits, the STR Mod becomes negative, so you do LESS damage (about 5-10)
Luckily my Security skill was just high enough to get around the dreaded "Leviathan Death Glitch"... again (cut & paste)
You say the feats and skills don't stick when doing the attribute glitch w/ Mission. For me they did, thats how my feats maxed. I never once had to FLU to a Feat level, or skip over prerequisite feats
Yeah, looking at these stats, you might say I spend too much time, or cheat too much. You're right. But I did beat it twice with two legit characters. :P
having probs doing the attributes thingy says u need to be jedi0/soldier3 well i have the T3 droid with me when i get the cystal but it still makes me level up to jedi1 and the flu thing with mission doesnt seem to work then