Post Info TOPIC: Super Jedi Stats Sheet
Darth Malak

Super Jedi Stats Sheet

I hope that if you succeded using the guide and you have created a Super Jedi, post your statistics, u know how mine ended, just copy and paste so u dont have to type again.

Character Level: ............20
Vitality: ...................680
Force Points: ...............1546
Defense: ....................41

Strength: ...................59 +24
Dexterity: ..................50 +20
Constitution: ...............54+22
Intelligence: ...............40 +15
Wisdom: .....................150 +70
Charisma: ...................20 +5

Fortitude: ..................38
Reflex: .....................34
Will: .......................85

Computer Use: ...............68
Demolitions: ................120
Stealth: ....................72
Awareness: ..................127
Persuade: ...................106
Repair: .....................68
Security: ...................126
Treat Injury: ...............127

Credits: ....................$150,689
Experience: 220115
Best weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber Damage 11-29 Attack Modifier +9



This thread is just to place the stats of your super jedi, if u want to ask other things just start a topic. All non related posts here will be deleted.

Gregor Jinio



Originally posted by: Darth Malak

"I hope that if you succeded using the guide and you have created a Super Jedi, post your statistics, u know how mine ended, just copy and paste so u dont have to type again. Character Level: ............20 Vitality: ...................680 Force Points: ...............1546 Defense: ....................41 Strength: ...................59 +24 Dexterity: ..................50 +20 Constitution: ...............54+22 Intelligence: ...............40 +15 Wisdom: .....................150 +70 Charisma: ...................20 +5 Fortitude: ..................38 Reflex: .....................34 Will: .......................85 Computer Use: ...............68 Demolitions: ................120 Stealth: ....................72 Awareness: ..................127 Persuade: ...................106 Repair: .....................68 Security: ...................126 Treat Injury: ...............127 Credits: ....................$150,689 Experience: 220115 Best weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber Damage 11-29 Attack Modifier +9 "

Are these the stats at the end of the game or right after you became a jedi ?

The Doctor


My Lightside Uber-Jedi:

Character Level: ............20
Vitality: ...................1280 (numbers messed up on status screen)
Force Points: ...............1281
Defense: ....................93

Strength: ...................153 +71
Dexterity: ..................152 +71
Constitution: ...............114 +52
Intelligence: ...............30 +10
Wisdom: .....................125 +57
Charisma: ...................30 +10

Fortitude: ..................74
Reflex: .....................91
Will: .......................78

Computer Use: ...............64
Demolitions: ................121
Stealth: ....................127
Awareness: ..................127
Persuade: ...................39
Repair: .....................61
Security: ...................110
Treat Injury: ...............127

Credits: ....................$7,942
Experience: 285703
Powers: Heal, Master Speed, Improved Energy, Immunity, Stasis Field, Destroy Droid, Plague, Storm, Death Field, Insanity, Breach, Adv. Throw, Dominate Mind

Luckily my Security skill was just high enough to get around the dreaded "Leviathan Death Glitch"

Darth Whatevar


whoa great attributes The-Doctor, it must have took u a while to raise the attributes that much! Congrats

The Doctor


Yeah it took awhile... like 3 days or so. Above I forgot to put Wave and Kill as well (all powers except valor), and all feats (I mean ALL).

Today I finished my Darkside Uber-Jedi (actually a completely different character, new face and name):

Character Level: ...........Soldier 3 Jedi Guardian 17

Vitality: ...................1180

Force Points: ...............1120(numbers messed up on status screen)

Defense: ....................98

Strength: ...................157 +73
Dexterity: ..................164 +77
Constitution: ...............104 +47
Intelligence: ...............30 +10
Wisdom: .....................102 +46
Charisma: ...................50 +20

Fortitude: ..................67
Reflex: .....................95
Will: .......................62

Computer Use: ...............84
Demolitions: ................127
Stealth: ....................127
Awareness: ..................127
Persuade: ...................71
Repair: .....................124
Security: ...................127
Treat Injury: ...............127

Credits: ....................$910
Experience: 261933
Powers: Heal, Master Speed, Improved Energy, Immunity, Stasis Field, Destroy Droid, Plague, Storm, Death Field, Insanity, Breach, Adv. Throw, Dominate Mind, Kill, Wave, Armor                            Feats: all (including prerequisites)

I wouldn't recommend such a high STR because on critical hits, the STR Mod becomes negative, so you do LESS damage (about 5-10)

Luckily my Security skill was just high enough to get around the dreaded "Leviathan Death Glitch"... again (cut & paste)

You say the feats and skills don't stick when doing the attribute glitch w/ Mission. For me they did, thats how my feats maxed. I never once had to FLU to a Feat level, or skip over prerequisite feats

Yeah, looking at these stats, you might say I spend too much time, or cheat too much. You're right. But I did beat it twice with two legit characters. :P

Darth Malak


"But I did beat it twice with two legit characters. :P"

Good, i would never recommend somebody to do the glitches before finishing the game normally



having probs doing the attributes thingy says u need to be jedi0/soldier3 well i have the T3 droid with me when i get the cystal but it still makes me level up to jedi1 and the flu thing with mission doesnt seem to work then

also how can i get all the jedi powers i want?





Jedi Guardian - 17
Soldier - 3

Vitality - 1240
Force - 1159
Defense - 71


Strength - 118
Dexterity - 110
Constitution - 110
Intelligence - 110
Wisdom - 117
Charisma - 110

Fortitude - 68
Reflex - 69
Will - 67


Computer Use - 100
Demolitions - 127
Stealth - 98
Awareness - 127
Persuade - 101
Repair - 100
Security - 103
Treat Injury - 127

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