I've spent hours upon hours experimenting with crossclassing/attribute glitching/skill glitching and stuff like that... Most of that just to get the damn stuff to work Much of this stuff is probably old news, but some of it might be new.
First of all, the attribute glitch works anywhere with a save/load screen passage as long as both characters are about to have an attribute raise. Or just the recipient, I'm not sure. I say this because your guide made me believe I could only do it on Dantooine. Yet I went and did it on Tatooine much later.
Secondly, skills you raise during the attribute glitch also stick. I noticed this after upping my strength once, then looking to find out my security was at 26 ranks, without having done any other skill glitches. I don't think you have to press Y, but that's what I was doing.
That last one may or may not work for powers/feats also, but I don't know. I haven't noticed if they work. If it does, it would be a way to give a character class feats without having to cross-class, which would be awesome.
A good thing NOT to do is FLU-master a feat, highlight it in the stats menu afterwards, and press left... The game thinks it should have the prerequisite feat, and when its not there, the game freezes.
The main character will have feats/powers at level ups past 20 (which you can't normally level to), according to whichever level you became a Jedi. I found this useful seeing as how I'm still trying to master feats past level 15 or so. There are possible instances where this isn't the case, but I haven't noticed any. Basically, if you were level 3 when you got your first level of Jedi. You will be able to FLU up to level 23 and still possibly be able to choose feats/powers.
The skill glitch about FLU/RLU to next attribute level works once for each character at any (but just one) nonattribute level-up, not just once for the whole game. Dunno if anyone here already knew that. Meaning each character has once chance to get uber skill points this way.
Clarification should be made in your guide about the duplication glitch on Manaan. Specifically that only items on the OTHER characters duplicate, not your main character. So basically you can only get two copies of any item at a time (per slot I mean). I'm not complaining of course, I mean profiting with 4 loaded 1h-lightsabers per sequence and two upgraded Calo Nord armors is awesome. Or at least I haven't been able to duplicate _my_ game's main character's items.
Also, on that last glitch, you only have to unequip the items you want duped, not everything. Just to speed things up. AND I would not doubt if that glitch worked on the Laviathan with the space suit, too. I will have to test this out, since I haven't seen it anywhere yet.
Hmm what else... You can't get attributes every level using FLU's. I don't know why and it sucks. In fact, you won't get much of anything for RLUing on an attribute level unless thats your real next level of course. Only thing you get it seems is that one-time skill boost.
When you cheat your way to get Sneak Attack IX, it won't show up in your stats menu until you get SA7. The game shows feats/powers only if their first prerequisite on that line is legitimately gotten. But they are, of course, still there. So you can have uber sneak attack at your first scoundrel level up. Which is probably already known, but I didn't see it clarified upon.
About cross classing. Not counting the Jedi one, cause you want the lightsaber proficiency. But other than that, you can FLU the class giver before giving it, then crossing and giving say... a level 3 soldier their first level in scoundrel, ALONG WITH Sneak Attack 9! To do for your main character, you must have the Class Giver second in the team order, with a fully leveled character third so the Class Giver can FLU safely. FLU to just before the level that gives the desired effects, then goto party selection, and ONLY take out the fully leveled character. DO NOT remove your FLU'ed character, as this will reset their level to normal. Now exit party selection with ONLY your main character and the class giver. Now you can Cross Class a higher level to your main character. Getting those special abilities one level early. For your other characters, you would simply replace the Fully Leveled character with the character you wanted to give a new class to. I know its a bit complicated, but if you want to truely own the game early on, this is how you do it. Note: You can't give attributes this way cause that's a whole other glitch in itself You CAN FLU some uber Int before you give the class, thus cheating in the skills department yet some more. 80/4=20 = +10 to the Int Mod for calculationg skill points. Too much work for that, though. In my opinion.
So that last one basically combines FLU feat mastering and cross classing. What I would personally consider, is choosing Soldier, and messing with your classes a whole lot once you get Mission. This also explains why you can't get lightsaber proficiency on NPCs unless you cross class your main character into that at level Jedi 0. Cause when you cross class normally, your giving them the level of class that the giver is at. Bastila, Jolee, and Juhani already have proficiency, and when you cross them to someone else, you're not giving that character Lev 1 Jedi, you're giving them Lvl "6" or level whatever that Jedi happens to be. It sucks, I know... And for me, who's already way past Dantooine, its impossible to give lightsaber proficiency to my other NPCs. I really think your guide needs this sort of thing explained, so you get less complaints about not being able to use lightsabers...
Using early crossclassing, you're open to consider the class you want to start with. Soldiers get the armors and lots of weapon stuff. Scouts get some lovely feats like implants, and of course scoundrels get some special feats like Scoundrels luck. I honestly think crossclassing should have been in the game in the first place. And I don't feel like I'm cheating when I crossclass.
Cheating to get Heavy Armor feat doesn't work, at least not in my experience. Maybe it works if you have light armor already. I don't know. It might have to do with the fact that if something doesn't show up on the stats menu (such as a mastered feat), then you can't equip items that need such feats. I just thought of a possible bug for this... FLUing to fill in the gaps, then equipping that armor. Then loading a new screen to get rid of the fake levels, and seeing what happened to the armor
You can cross class anyone with anyone. But only up to two classes. Any more than that don't stick. This is how the attribute glitch works. So in your guide, you could point out that you can attribute glitch with ANY attribute level ready characters as long as the recipient has two classes unlike the top class of the giver. Meaning Pure Droids can attribute glitch a Sentinel/Soldier, a Soldier/Scoundrel can glitch up a Sentinel/Scoundrel, etc. Also, you can use the cross class glitch to further level the bottom classes of people, if you want just a few of those force powers from being a sentinel, yet want to keep that awesome base attack bonus and saves that soldiers get.
Wow thats a lot of glitch info that I haven't seen anywhere, so I hope its news to you guys... I will be back later to see any comments and possibly provide more glitch info.
Yeah, I also discovered this to be true....I did the attribute glich in the undercity with mission and garth ( I was a scout) It's more fun being stacked really early in the game. oh yeah an it's true about starting class or attributes can be anything my stats at the start were 13 evenly distributed. and the skill glich can be done with ANY soldier. (npc's)