No....But there is an easier way to gain every feat (plus some you're not even supposed to have).
This works basically the same as the attribute glich (cross-classing). It works with any class (solider,scout,scoundrel)
Let's use the easiest example...scout. When you get to the undercity be at level 2. First clear out the rakghouls so they don't bother you and stand by one of the sewer entrances. party select and remove mission. (don't level up any of your charaters before this btw) they all need level ups waiting. Cross class with garth so that you are now a level 2 scout and a level 1 solider. party select and remove garth and get mission back( she 's at level 3 with at least two levels waiting). Basically cross class with mission so that you'd become a scoundrel(which doesn't work because you can't have 3 classes) put the attribute point and the skills whrere you want (because you keep them both) and the enter the sewer to reload then repeat the process to your hearts content. When your done with attributes and want the feats now. Simply level mission up(for real) to level 4 going on 5. Then cross with her on a feat level and keep that feat. note: if you want all the feats you need to fake level her with another charater(who doesn't have a level up waiting) to level 7 then at that point cross-class with your charater and get an attribute a feat and skills. Remember to reload after you do it once. It's simple once you get the hang of it.
Note this works on level 3 going on four because it's an attribute and a feat level.
Just to let you know...I'm playing a game right now as a scoundrel. I'm only at level 3 with nearly every feat (master flurry, master power attack, master sniper, master critical strike, master power blast, master rapid shot, all implants, all toughness, all conditioning, all dueling, all two weapon fighting and more, plus sneak attack IX and scoundrels luck(just the first one, not improved or master) I also have soldier feats like heavy weopons specialization, ect. Right now I have 242 stregth but just 30 in each of the other attributes. I think I'll continue to level up strength over the next while just to test what the maximum attribute that's allowable in the game is...999? I'll definetly go to 300 and see what's what. if it is 999 or higher I'm not sure I'll be able to withstand the boredom to get there. I believe the maximum skill allowable is 127(but I could be wrong)...I couldn't seem to raise it after that level.