Hey Darth Malak, and the other fellas. ;) So I tried out your new 3005 skill points glitch and it worked liek a charm! The problem? Once cross-classed with Mission, whenever I had a level-up, I would press 'Y' purely out of habbit, whenever the "Skills" page came up. :D So now, somehow I have around -80 for some of my abilities (computer and security are two of them). Will this effect anything? Am I basically screwed when it comes to using computers and security now? Should I restart from the begining of Taris? Thanks. :) Rachel aka Lady Of The Force
i dont think so, just press start and go to skills screen and check there how many you have, and if you want to know if you are highly skilled, just use a computer or try to repair a droid and if you only use few pieces, you are highly skilled!
You have no idea how freaked out I was, I couldn't figure out how to get them out of the negative stats. I have no desire to have truly high skills but I certainly don't want negative ones lol. Thank you!