what do you mean with Godly, you mean a lot of force powers, lot of skills, attributes, and feats? If you followed the guide and you are on dantooine and choose to be a consular, you can get almost 7 or 8 master force powers, and be sure to raise your wisdom attribute at least at 100( but it take a while )and you will be able to get hundreds of skills, all this can be done in Dantooine and you will be a jedi god, just read the guide carefully from the beginning.
Truth is I read the guide about 10 times, and I read posts over and over...I just dont get how to flu.... I mean the concept..argh I cant explain it but i need like more illustrations and broader details..Im not getting any of this...Im giving up trying to understand..i have so many questions . Noone can help me Im sure.. and if they could it would take 1,000,0000 years. Now I'll go and play legitimatley..:(
mike is this your first time throught the game? If it is DO NOT CHEAT it will ruin the game for you, you will be totally unfufilled doing it that way. Plus you would grasp all the concepts in the guide if you beat in at least once. If this is your second (better to be third) time throught the game you should just keep saving and experimenting untill you get the guide.
Attribute levels are levels on which you gain an attribute point. Attribute points let you beef up strengh, dexterity, etc. You get an attribute point at every 4th level (4, 8, 12, 16, 20) so use them wisely.