Malak: I just got bastila and she was level 3 with a few lvl ups. i FLUed her up to level 11 and RLUed at 12, she got an atribute point, skill points, master flurry, heal, and the level 12 jedi feats. The problem is that even tough it shows that i have those level 12 jedi feats in my feat menu, they aren't in effect. Any ideas whats wrong or how to fix it? I have a save both before i got her and another before i did anything to her.
I think it is because you are not supposed to RLU at attribute levels (4, 8, 12, 16, 20). FLU to like 17 then RLU at 18 or whatever the level is between 16 and 20 that gives feats.
I believe you can only get feats by RLU. To get skills and attributes you have to use the Glitches posted in the guide at the appropiate time (Skill Glitch on endar spire/taris, attribute glitch on dant after getting crystal, etc)
Only thing I dislike about the attribute glitch is it's so slow. You can only use 2 attribute points before you have to exit to a different area to get 2 more, then exit again etc. Takes for ever to get any attribute high, let alone all of them. I'm talking 5+ hours or more to get all 40 or higher, I stopped at like 2 hours though.
You won't keep the attribute if you RLU at attibute level after using FLU's. The only thing you can keep after using FLU's then RLU are Powers and Feats. To retain attributes you have to use the attribute glitch.
There is a section in the guide about it. Called the attribute glitch. It allows you to make your characters attributes as high as you want. As for the other members of your party I do not believe there is a way to raise theirs above the normal.