quote: Originally posted by: Lobo "Is it possible to use a different class of character and still get crazed amount of skill points???"
I don't know..but I have read someone's review on some FORUMS,but Im sorry,I can't remember the website..It might've been this FORUM...
I suggest that you don't do it...Listen why,I Make my character a Super Jedi being a Soldier,I Got ****ED many times because I massed up a lot with a SOLDIER...so i really don't recomend that you try to waist your perfect time on becoming a super Jedi with Scouts,or Scoundrells...But With a Soldier,I can't say its easy..but its worth it...Thank You "Darth Malak"
"I Got ****ED many times because I massed up a lot with a SOLDIER..."
Sorry,Its me again...I am kinda MAD right now..because I didn't write anything bad......I just said "I got posst off" there is no other way to say it,it block the words..Well,anyway,I am mad because I looks like I said "fuoked many times"But I didn't so thats what I hate about FORUMS...anyhow,I SAID "POSST off"