This was just so outrageous that I had to post it, also to see if it has happened to anyone else.
This is a glitched game, full of FLU's for everyone and Attribute glitching for my PC, for reference.
After the Leviathan was finished and I polled everyone on the ship as to what they thought of me being Revan (including T3 - M4) the Ebon Hawk changed pretty drastically.
First of all, I was walking around Ebon Hawk with Zaalbar as one of my party, he would follow me wherever I walked. There was another Zaalbar where he was supposed to be. I could talk to both of them and the responses were the same. T3 - M4 was missing. I could RLU and FLU Zaalbar while I was in the Ebon Hawk.
If I tried to leave the Ebon Hawk the normal way the game froze during the loading screen. Missing from the ship was the table that you use to upgrade weapons and armor. In the food supply room (where you find Sasha, the spice, etc...) was a swoop bike and a swoop droid (looks like a copper colored T3 - M4. If I choose to engage in dialogue with the swoop droid it responds with "Greetings master. I regret that my database contains no destination coordinates for this planet. I cannot take you anywhere until location data is retrieved."
There is no Hyperdrive in the engine room. When you go to the cockpit there is a Galaxy droid floating. When I engage in dialogue with it it asks "What planet do you want to travel to sir?". I have the choice between all normal planets including Dantooine, plus the Endire Spire, Taris, Leviathan, Unknown world, and Star Forge. No matter what I choose, the droid responds with "We have arrived.....isn't space travel wonderful?" without any cut scenes of space travel or anything like that.
From the Start Menu I can go to the party selection menu and there are two Zaalbars, one on the bottom right hand corner and the other directly to the left of him. I can also choose to return to the Ebon Hawk.
The only thing I have done so far is to go to Korriban. I went to party selection screen and removed Zaalbar so I was alone. Then I chose to return to the Ebon Hawk. After the loading screen I was on Korriban, on the docking bay standing in front of the Ebon Hawk. If I walk back into the Ebon Hawk, everything is normal as it should be. When outside of the Ebon Hawk, I could go to party selection screen and select both of the Zaalbars and have them both in my party.
I'm going to see if I can get on Taris first, then the others that I shouldn't have access to.
LOL, i had the same problem on my xbox. unfortuneatley i have discovered no solution to this little problem. its kinda kool, nearly make your party unstoppable with two wookies.,but yea. that galaxy droids kool too, but dont go to taris!!!!!, you cant get off that place afterwards trust me!!
Yeah, that's the infamous Galaxy Droid Glitch. It can make you experience very weird things, like that thing that happened to you. I heard you can go to Taris as a Jedi, but once u get there u will be stuck forever but its a good glitch to research or try to find new glitches. Some guy was trying to get back to the Endar Spire and save Trask Ulgo to make him his party member fot the rest of the game, but unfortunately didnt work out. Maybe some day...
Yeah, it happened to me too, with my hideously powerful Super Dark Jedi. I used him to return to Dantooine after the Leviathan, but when I tried to leave the ship, it would freeze on the loading screen
quote: Originally posted by: The Doctor "Yeah, it happened to me too, with my hideously powerful Super Dark Jedi. I used him to return to Dantooine after the Leviathan, but when I tried to leave the ship, it would freeze on the loading screen "
yeah, the freezing is almost guaranteed with the Galaxy Droid glitch