Okie I've just recently found out about this glitch. I'm currently at the jedi enclave and I'm lvl 9 with Force Shock and Drain Life. Now my question is Since I'm lvl 9 if it possible for me to Flu Feats that I could already have gotten normally... For Example I have Carth here and he's lvled to 10. To try FLU Method I put one point in critical, next flu in improved critcal, then ended with a RLU and it doesnt stick. Is this because my Character is already above the Requirement? Or am I doing somthing wrong? Does it matter if the Feats/Powers have a lower lvl Require then your current chacater level to do the FLU right? Also I have another Question. Is it possible to Flu the middle skill to get to the master skill if I already Used a RLU on the first skill? For Example I have Force Shock from a RLU, but I want force Storm... Can I use Flu to get to the Force Storm bypassing Force Lighting?
FLUing to get Critical Strike should not be a problem at any level unless you are at an attribute level. Never FLU if you are on an attribute level, RLU instead; and never FLU and then RLU on an attribute level either. And even though critical strike doesn't show up in your feats menu you can still use it in combat.
And yes, you can skip middle feats to get master ones, that's the whole point! ;)
It's just the same as skipping both first ones. In the case of lightning, the highest feat overrides the other two. Don't know why you would ever get the weaker feats though. You should never have to waste a RLU on anything but master feats if you do it right.