Post Info TOPIC: Somebody should rewrite this guide...
Jedi Grammarian

Somebody should rewrite this guide...

Um, yeah, so I appreciate the effort, but I think someone who has mastered basic grammar should re-write this guide... You have to read it about 100 times to actually understand what is being said, due to such gems as...

"Put your character level up screen."

"Now i reccomend you to to the things you need to do to..."



sorry for the mistakes but aktually im not from the US so mi inglizh iz not perfekt

Jedi Grammarian


Fair enough, maybe if I'm amazingly bored some time I'll do a quick revision of your wording and send it your way...



that would be great of u, if u could correct the grammar mistakes, something like a star wars community service, so they could understand the guide better.



Yeah, I e-mailed malak telling him the same thing.  For the most part the guide is comprehensible, but some parts parts were so confusing I had to spend days trying to figure out what he intended me to do.



what parts are confusing?



I knew English wasn't your first language, if you'd like me to help I'd be more than happy to help you translate anything in English.  My e-mail is above.

It took me some time to figure things out but I've done it with one character already, although I ran into a couple problems.



yes i would appreciate some help with the confusing parts, also the first time i tried to create my super jedi i was very very confused but didnt had somebody that could tell me what i've been doing wrong neither something as a "guide" so i ran through several problems, thats why you have to fail sometimes in order to understand what ure doing wrong and how to correct it.



Ok the first part I had trouble with was this.

5: FLU until you reach level 15. Always use the recommended level up (y button) at everything, attributes,skills, feats. Never choose anything manually. This is the last time you will use FLU.


Take this sentence out of the above paragraph, "This is the last time you will use FLU." 

I don't understand that sentence because it is NOT the last time we will use FLU.

Here is why you should take that sentence out.  The next paragraph reads...

6: Now that you are at level 15, you RLU to level 16 (Just press "A" (green) button). Again, use the recommended level up (Y Button) at everything, NEVER CHOOSE ANYTHING MANUALLY. Below is an example of what you need to do at the RLU of Level 16.

So basically what you are telling us was to stop the FLU at level 15, and RLU at level 16 which you are telling us in this second paragraph.  So basically the rendundancy is a bit confusing.  It makes sense once you've read the entire guide, but at that point of the guide your first time playing through the game it is a bit confusing, so there is no need for that one sentence.


I'll add another gripe tomorrow



Another thing.

See my explanation below.

"3. You will RLU at level 93. At skills, press "Y Button" so you use the recommended. Alll your skills will be maxed, but persuade won't. Manually max it (just click right on the D Pad at Persuade, mantain it clicked right until you cant raise it anymore.) You should have like 100 skills on some of them and almost 50 in others. You should now be a Soldier 3. You have tons of skills and you are just starting the game!!"

It should be more clear about waht the RLU AT level 93 means.  What I am saying is that you're actually AT level 92 when you are doing the RLU, BUT you are leveling up TO level 92.  The easiest way to explain this would be that you want it to READ lvl 93 when you've got the picture of your characters face and the body of Carth!

Same thing in the guide when you mention doing an RLU at level 16, you're actually DOING the RLU AT lvl 15, TO lvl 16, so basically on your first FLU you want the menu to read LVL 16 WITH Trask's body and your characters FACE on the menue screen.  So that should be changed.


Also there is a pretty heavy contradiction in the guide.


"Let's say for example that your PC is Level 8 (Soldier 3/ Jedi Consular 5) and you want to give him a higher level feat or power. Let's say you want a Level 15 power like Force Wave. Normally, in order to get Force Wave, you'd have to wait till you first got Force Push and Force Whirlwind and then wait till Level 15 for Force Wave."

I know this is only an example but later on in the guide you mention that you should NEVER FLU on levels divisible by 4 (4, 8, 12, 16, 20), yet in the example above you're doing a FLU at level 8.  What gives?

You should also make sure to add in that players must manually turn "auto level up" off.  This will save people about three hours of gameplay because Mission will auto level up if it's not turned off, and you'll be screwed!

Another point that I found is that when you do your RLU's at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 pick a force and or feat that doesn't have any level at all (one that has never been picked).  This way when you FLU the next levelyou'd only have to FLU that feat and or Force Power twice, and you'll ACTUALLY SEE the force power and or feat from the menu under ABILITIES. 

For instance there are certain feats you'll NEVER be able to see from the queue action (where you line up actions) bar even while in battle, such as Feats that merely bring up you stats but you don't actually line up (queue up)  in battle.  Critical Strike, is an example.  You wont see it on the queue action bar, but if you play the game normally you'd see this feat under the start menu under abilities. 

If you FLU from the zero level of this feat (Critical Strike)you wont even see it in the start menu and there are certain feats you'll never see in the action queue as well.  You'll have the ability but you wont see it ANYWHERE.  If you FLU this feat and you've already got level 1 for the feat at least you'll see it in the start menu under "abilities."

So basically choose feats  that aren't at level 1, yet so that you can see them in the start menu under abilities when you do FLU for that power or feat.  Especially feats that you won't see from your action queue.



ok x...somethng.... (no offence this whole thing IM NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE K!!! KEEP THAT IN MIND lol)
ok look.... x, how do you think the guy feels if you start telling him what was his mistakes and etc...
you should rewrite what you think is wrong and email him it.
that would be very nice of you (lol)
and yes there is alot of mistakes



yeah once I  got some free time i will correct some things, its good that u notice tha mistakes and u know how to correct them, thats how practice makes the master



I meant no offense whatsoever, it's amazing of what he can write in English as a second language, and he asked for help.

These are things I figured out on my own, from trial and error so I figured I'd help him out.  The rest of the guide is fairly comprehendable, those are really the only rants I have.



hey my english is not that bad

Super Saiyan Vegeta


Hello again DM lol


"Let's say for example that your PC is Level 8 (Soldier 3/ Jedi Consular 5) and you want to give him a higher level feat or power. Let's say you want a Level 15 power like Force Wave. Normally, in order to get Force Wave, you'd have to wait till you first got Force Push and Force Whirlwind and then wait till Level 15 for Force Wave."

I know this is only an example but later on in the guide you mention that you should NEVER FLU on levels divisible by 4 (4, 8, 12, 16, 20), yet in the example above you're doing a FLU at level 8.  What gives?



Xaminor, as the guy who came up with the FLU/RLU and the example  i guess it's only fair that i explain it.  In my example you're already level 8.  When you level up you'll be going to level 9 which is not an attribute level.

Later on in my example, i say that you'll be going from level '9' to 14.  It would probably have been better if i had've said FLU from 8-9 to avoid confusion but i was just giving a quick example with little time. 

The example should probably say that you can only RLU on an attribute level if you are due for an attribute.  If i'm going from level 3 to 4 (shorthand 3-4, 3 going to 4), i can choose to RLU at either 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 or 19-20.  You can FLU your way through any attribute level as long as you RLU on a higher attribute level. 

Sorry for the misunderstanding.  It's not DM's fault there.

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