Can you set the strenght too high? I have my strenght at 165 (+75) and my lightsaber attacks do from 81-95 points of damage. It has the modifier at +98. What I noticed is that sometimes the hit only does about 15 points. Do I have my strength too high? Or will those low hits do more if I level up my strength? Any help on this is useful. Sorry about all the questions.
yeah man, that's weird. i only have my strength up to about 46 (+20-something), and i usually hit for about 45-60 points of damage on every hit. 165 is like obsessively high, you should kill every single character, including malak, with one hit.
it is quite odd how it only does 15 points. If you were always hitting at 15 points, or on a very regular basis, it is most definitely because the roll has reset itself because your attribute is too high. Since it is rare I presume, I would just think it is an accident. Just like when your attack sometimes misses on a hit. It runs on the same principle so I would think to much about it. 165 is pretty high, must have taken you atleast an hour and a half to glitch that high.
I redid the game and only took my strength up to 70. I can't kill everything in one hit. Hits do about 40-50, sometimes around 110. Good enough for me.