YOUR FEATS WILL NOT SHOW UP IN THE START MENU!!! BUT U CAN USE THEM IN BATTLE!!! (this was actually in the guide but much further after u have done the cross classing and got master flurry for the 3 chars, so if you just tried getting it with Mission and looked to see if it worked youd be like Oh noes, mission doesnt have the master flurry feat in the pause menu, i must have messed up ~crys~
In not sure if this is a correction or not, but ive done this twice, once when i THOUGHT i messed up, and another time when i know i had it right, and on the second go when i was FLU'ing mission to lvl 13 after i cross classed my main character, i then RLU'd her to 14 and chose master flurry and it still told me to level up even though i RLU'd. I kept going untill i think level 17 and then it fixed itself and mader her level 4 and i did not get master flurry as it kept forcing me to level her. So if this happens reload and then choose master flurry when u RLU to level 17. That SHOULD theoretically fix it.
Step 4 is wrong, the attribute DOES stick. My dex went from 15-16 when i added 1 dex point to it. So PICK dex when you RLU after FLU'ing as the guide already has u put a put 15 into it at the start, this will give u the +2 for dex bonus's.
HEADS UP!!! YOUR FEATS WILL NOT SHOW IN THE PAUSE MENU!!! There are 2 Parts to this, the first being Cross Classing with steps 1-9 and then right below it in the same section is the steps 1-10 for giving carth and yourself Master Flurry. Carth's steps work, but your will not. The writer states to FLU to 14 and RLU to 15 and during the RLU pick Master flurry. There is just one problem. You cross classed to a scoundrel which means your feats come at levels 11,14, and 17. So RLU'ing to 15 will allow u to pick a feat and will not retain yoru Master Flurry as a feat from level 14 when you would have to have chosen it.----- In short to correct this. DO NOT PICK MASTER FLURRY UNTILL YOU RLU TO 17, FLU to 16 (total level EX: Scoundrel 13/ Soldier3) THEN RLU to 17. And you will retain it. !!!!!!IMPORTANT!!! READ!!!!!! ---> as stated in the guide: It will not show in the pause menu, this will happen with almost everything you select, but you always be able to use it.. In battle
Will add more if i find.
RE: ATTENTION!!!! TYPO IN GUIDE READ TO SEE CORRECT WAY!!!!!! (missions master flurry)
The following is QUOTED from my original post:
In not sure if this is a correction or not, but ive done this twice, once when i THOUGHT i messed up, and another time when i know i had it right, and on the second go when i was FLU'ing mission to lvl 13 after i cross classed my main character, i then RLU'd her to 14 and chose master flurry and it still told me to level up even though i RLU'd. I kept going untill i think level 17 and then it fixed itself and mader her level 4 and i did not get master flurry as it kept forcing me to level her. So if this happens reload and then choose master flurry when u RLU to level 17. That SHOULD theoretically fix it.
I found the problem. You are FLU'ing Mission at lvl 3 (an attribute level) which is why it wasnt letting me RLU her at level 14. It forced me to level her all the way to level 20.
At level 20 during a FLU to RLU ON an attribute level, which i was, you are allowed to increase an attribute (it sticks), increase skills (they stick), and pick another feat.
Mission was level 3 going on level 4 with 14 Intelligence and 3 in Treat Injury Skill. I FLU'd her to level 19 while increasing Int so i could pump my treat injury skill (invaluable skill) and then RLU'd her from 19-20 and chose my attribute as INT, skills as treat injury, and master flurry as my feat and it worked. I got mission with Int 15, Treat Injury SKill 6 and Master Flurry. So there you go, another flaw fixed. I hope this helps some people.