I misread the guide and accidentally created this kickass Scoundrel character with 5893 skill points and gave my NPCs 5149 skill points.
This guide assumes you've done the Super Jedi Guide already and am famliar with Fake Level Ups, Real Level Ups and Cross Classing your characters to make them Jedi. If not, go read the original guide.
1. Create a Scoundrel with Stats 14, 15, 12, 12, 13 and 11. 2. Skip raises during character creation. 3. Press Y for default feats. 4. At Endar Spire FLU to 19 and RLU to 20. 5. By the time I got to Taris I had 5893 skill points. 6. FLU to 92 and RLU to 93 to use as much of your skill points as possible. 7. Because you're a Scoundrel you'll get 96 in all skill skills except for Computer, Repair and Treat Injury which remain at 48. 8. This high Security allows you to unlock doors at the Hidden Bek base, and lower the forcefield to the Vulkar base without Mission's help. 9. Stay a Scoundrel and stay at Level 7 until you go to Dantooine to become a Jedi. 10. When master Dorak is about to make you a Jedi, switch, like the guide tells you to so you save your Jedi level up so that you can cross class with your NPCs. 11. Cross classing seems will make your NPCs become Jedi at Level 7 + Jedi Level 1 characters... at this point there's nothing odd with their Skill Points. 12. However, later, when your NPCs level up to level 9 they with have 5149 skill points! 13. FLU your NPCs to 92 then RLU to 93 to use as much of these skill points as possible.