Cool there is a forum here, but when try to FLU through lvl 92 and RLU at 93 I am stuck with the normal amount of skill points. What did I do wrong?
My first FLU on the Endar Spire I FLU'd through 15 and when I got to 16 I RLU'd, and I chose the recomended attributes for my soldier. BTW my character is female if that has anything to do with it. I don't want to continue since it's still early and I can start a new game if I did something wrong. Thanks in advnace.
nm, I know what I did wrong. I chose "recomended skill points" when I created my character, you're not suppose to choose ANY skill points while creating your character but may choose any Feat you wish. My bad, I was going strictly by memory and remembered the attributes but forgot that.
Nope, still didn't work. I'm hoping it works when I cross class with Mission but according to the guide, I'm suppose to have the skill points available at my second level up.