Welcome to the Kotor Super Jedi Forum. This forum was maded with the purpose of answering doubts and problems and for you to make comments. If you have a doubt,problem,comment,recomendation, use this forum and if I and others can help you, we will.
When one of your characters are ready to level up press "Start". This takes you to the screen with a picture of you and text saying 'Y' for recommended something, 'A' for custom whatever. Say you have mission in your party and no one else. When you press the black button it switches from you to mission. Now to do a fake level up, go to the screen with you on it showing you have a level up. Press the black button follow by the 'A' button almost instantly. You should now be at a screen where it shows your character's head, and missions body and the options on the right (Attributes, Skills, Feats, Powers etc) to level up. This is a fake level up.
how do you raise your atributes to lvl 100 and over I know the way with mission in datoinne but it really long to get lvl 100 skill with that it take around 15 minutes to get to 50
Also keep in mind that when doing a FLU that the character's body shown on the screen (see parenthisis belwo) isn't ready to level up, or doesn't have an arrow in place of his/her face on the action screen (not menu screen)
I was at work today and i was wondering if have all of this info backed up somehow. The reason why i'm asking is that 3 out of the 4 original glitch threads that were started at GameFAQ were deleted. There also used to be someone at Bioware who had made a website copied after yours but he stopped maintaining the site.
The original threads at Bioware are all still there but we can't afford to lose too many more threads/FAQs. There is too much good info at stake. I saved as much of the last remaining one at GameFAQ that i could but if your site ever goes down for some reason then we're all in trouble. I'm sure there are plenty of people who could probably make up a great thread/FAQ but that is still alot of info to lose. Especially considering all of the hours that the hundreds of us put into testing the various glitches.
quote: Originally posted by: solo_312 "hey malak is there any possible way you can look exactly like darth reven use to when he was a dark lord I will do anything. "