Hey, I just did the super jedi attribute glitch, and I got all my feats and skills when I FLUd and RLUd, but I don't see Lightsaber proficiency anywhere. It says I'm a jedi consular level 7 but I can't find it. I can't use a lightsaber!~!!!~!!~! Has this happened to anyone else? If so, how do I get out of it? I did this glitch before, and it worked. This is the first time anything different has happened. [face_frown]
Yeah, I reloaded my game and it still didn't work. I made Canderous a jedi, then I went back into the enclave, and Canderous had a lightsaber but I didn't. I went back outside to reload my game, but I still didn't have lightsaber proficiency
It clearly says in the guide and in the faqs that after u finish turining pary members into jedi and raising attributes u need to be at jedi 0 and then RLU so u get lightsaber proficiency
No I mean even when I RLU, Lightsaber proficiency isn't there. Is that a bad glitch or something? It just completely isn't there.....and this is my RLU.......
If you are jedi 0, and you did everything i todl you before, you RLU and U will get lightsaber proficiency. This cant fail unless u screwed up something earlier, but i dont think that
danfloydphan, what they mean is you must RLU from Jedi level 0 to Jedi level 1. You cannot FLU the RLU or you'll lose the feats you need for good. They only ways you could miss the feats are if you FLUed to go to Jedi level 1 or if you forgot to reload before RLUing