Post Info TOPIC: Attribute Glich in Undercity!

Attribute Glich in Undercity!

I was just wondering if you were aware that the attribute glich can be done as early as the undercity (right after you get mission)?  (by way of cross classing 3 times)



This works basically the same as the attribute glich (cross-classing).  It works with any class (solider,scout,scoundrel)

Let's use the easiest example...scout.  When you get to the undercity be at level 2.  First clear out the rakghouls so they don't bother you and stand by one of the sewer entrances.  party select and remove mission.  (don't level up any of your charaters before this btw) they all need level ups waiting.  Cross class with garth so that you are now a level 2 scout and a level 1 solider.  party select and remove garth and get mission back( she 's at level 3 with at least two levels waiting).  Basically cross class with mission so that you'd become a scoundrel(which doesn't work because you can't have 3 classes) put the attribute point and the skills whrere you want (because you keep them both) and the enter the sewer to reload then repeat the process to your hearts content.  When your done with attributes and want the feats now.  Simply level mission up(for real) to level 4 going on 5.  Then cross with her on a feat level and keep that feat.  note: if you want all the feats you need to fake level her with another charater(who doesn't have a level up waiting) to level 7 then at that point cross-class with your charater and get an attribute a feat and skills.  Remember to reload after you do it once. It's simple once you get the hang of it.


Note this works on level 3 going on four because it's an attribute and a feat level.



Just to let you know...I'm playing a game right now as a scoundrel.  I'm only at level 3 with nearly every feat (master flurry, master power attack, master sniper, master critical strike, master power blast, master rapid shot, all implants, all toughness, all conditioning, all dueling, all two weapon fighting and more, plus sneak attack IX and scoundrels luck(just the first one, not improved or master) I also have soldier feats like heavy weopons specialization, ect.  Right now I have 242 stregth but just 30 in each of the other attributes.  I think I'll continue to level up strength over the next while just to test what the maximum attribute that's allowable in the game is...999? I'll definetly go to 300 and see what's what. if it is 999 or higher I'm not sure I'll be able to withstand the boredom to get there.  I believe the maximum skill allowable is 127(but I could be wrong)...I couldn't seem to raise it after that level.



I found out that the maximum attribute level is 255.  After that is goes back to zero.

Darth Malak


Sorry im too lazy right now to read the whole post, but it would be cool if u could raise your attributes at taris. I didnt knew the maximum level available for attributes, nobody went that far as far as i know, great info there, your jedi must be unstoppable with that kind of attribute!



with that kind of strength you can do well over 100 damage from one attack with just you fists...It's crazy.



Okay so when you do the attribute thing, when you say reload, do you mean go to start, then load game? And The Feats stick when you do this as well?



And how do I do this if I start as Soldier?



When I talk about reloading I mean going to a new area.  Like going into the sewers (it loads) do the glich once then go back up to the undercity(it loads again)

loading screen!...not loading from a saved game.

If you're a solider to start with (you should be at level 2) you'll have to wait until zaalabar is in your party and cross-class with him.  Making you a level 2 solider, level 1 scout,

reload after the first cross-class, then you cross-class with mission. (make sure she's at level 3 going on 4) put the attribute and skills where you want and reload again(go to NEW AREA) *you can only do one attribute at a time before reloading(new area).  It does take awhile.

Super Saiyan Vegeta



Originally posted by: agnostic00

"I found out that the maximum attribute level is 255.  After that is goes back to zero."

Thanks for that info agnostic00.  I've always wondered what the max was but i never wanted to go that high to figure it out. LOL.  You learn something new everyday.




Originally posted by: Super Saiyan Vegeta

"Thanks for that info agnostic00.  I've always wondered what the max was but i never wanted to go that high to figure it out. LOL.  You learn something new everyday. "

Yeah, i also wanted to knew that. Great find



agnostic00 wrote:

Just to let you know...I'm playing a game right now as a scoundrel.  I'm only at level 3 with nearly every feat (master flurry, master power attack, master sniper, master critical strike, master power blast, master rapid shot, all implants, all toughness, all conditioning, all dueling, all two weapon fighting and more, plus sneak attack IX and scoundrels luck(just the first one, not improved or master) I also have soldier feats like heavy weopons specialization, ect.  Right now I have 242 stregth but just 30 in each of the other attributes.  I think I'll continue to level up strength over the next while just to test what the maximum attribute that's allowable in the game is...999? I'll definetly go to 300 and see what's what. if it is 999 or higher I'm not sure I'll be able to withstand the boredom to get there.  I believe the maximum skill allowable is 127(but I could be wrong)...I couldn't seem to raise it after that level.


OK I have a question for either agnostic or any1 else that can answer this, ok I get how you are able to get the feats but how do you ge the feats of other classes, like you said you have sneak attack IX....ok I tried getting it but it doesn't show up on any menu for my character....same goes for scoundrels luck. Do they just not show up anywhere but you still get the abillities? Also can I use this to get feats from other classes besides mission AND was it possible for you to get up to master scoundrels luck or what?

need a life


So, just for grins, I thought it might be fun to try and make a character that got everything. By that I mean all the specials for each class, ie scoundrel's luck and sneak attack, uncanny dodge, and all the soldier's weapon mastery.

In a nutshell you start as a scoundrel, fake level up on the endar spire to 18 and then real level up to 19 and get level 10 sneak attack. No feats, though.

Then, on Taris you save your levels until you pick up Mission and Big Z. Easier said than done, I know. Level up Carth so you have a non-leveling character to fake level up Big Z to 6, then cross class with Zalbar on 7 getting Master Uncanny Dodge in the process.

You're now a Lev 2 Scoundrel/ Lev 1 Scout. Go ahead and level up Big Z. Now when Carth gains another level use him (fake leveling him up to an attribute level) to attribute glitch and gain every soldier mastery except pistol (since he's already got that.)

When you're satisfed with you monster Scoundrel/Scout/Soldier, or bored with the tedium of the process, then you bring Mission back out. She should be Lev 3 going on 4 still. You're Lev 2 Scoundrel. Lev 1 Scout with all the soldier stuff you want, and Master Sneak and Uncanny Dodge, along with whatever other feats, skills and attributes you glitched for yourself. Fake level Mission, using Carth or Big Z, up to Lev 11 going on 12. Then cross class with her on 12 giving yourself Master Scoundrel's Luck and gaining a Scoundrel Level.

You are now a Level 3 Scoundrel/Level 1 Scout with all specials except pistol mastery.

When you get to Dantooine use the jedi glitch where you'll be Lev 3 Scoundrel/Lev 0 Jedi _. Use Canderous to give yourself the pistol mastery.

Attribute glicth some more if you like and then turn the rest of your party into Jedi's.

Have fun.

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