Post Info TOPIC: Let me get this cross class stuff stright...

Let me get this cross class stuff stright...

Ok, I'm kinda new to this cross classing stuff, so I want to check if what I'm planning to do is right before I try it.

Ok, I heard somewhere that you can only have each character cross classed twice, the second time replacing the first one's place though leaving the Feats, Attributes and Skills. Is this true? Or can you only cross class once each? Or can you do it as many times as you want?

If you cross class your PC twice before becoming a Jedi, does the Jedi level still force itself over the crossed class?

When the second class is changed to Class skills to that class(and not from the others) still stay class skills, or do they become non-class skills once more?


And would this hypothetical situation work, assuming I am correctly informed about the 2 cross class limit, and that I'll take the time to level them high enough on Taris?

1. I get my Soldier(that I used the High skills glitch on) to level 3 with a level up ready. I cross class with Mission who also is level 3 with a level ready, making the PC a 3/1 Soldier/Scoundrel

2.I reaload Mission with the Party select screen. I cross class Zaalbar who is level 3/7(I forget what level you get him) with a level ready with Mission to make Mission a 3/1 Scoundrel/Scout.

3.I cros class Carth who is level 7 with a level up and cross class with Zaalbar who is level 7 with a level ready to make Zaalbar a 7/1 Scout/Soldier

4. I cross class my PC with Carth(both level 7 with one ready) to make Carth a 7/1 Soldier/Scoundrel(or if the first clas is the one that get crossed I'd use Mission instead)

5. I get enough XP to bring everybody to 20.

6. I cross class my PC from a 3/16 Soldier/Scoundrel with a level up into a 3/1 Soldier/Scout

6. I cross class Canderous into a Soldier/Scoundrel

7. I bring everybody to level 19 with a level up

8. I do the Jedi level 0 trick(which forces my PC to a 3/0 Soldier/Guardian

9. I Cross class everybody into their original class with Jedi Guardian level 1

10.(this on is what I'm most worried about) I play through Dantooine untill I get Bastila and Juhani.

11. I go get Jolee for Kashyyyk.

12.I cross class Bastia into a Jedi Guardian

13. Cross class Juhani into a Consular, level to 19 and cross class back into a Guardian.

14. Level Bastila to 19 and cross clas her into a Sentinel/Consular.

15. Cross class Jolee into a Guardian, level to 19 and cross class back into a Consular.

16. level everbody up to 20.


As you can see, there are a lot of places where my limited knowledge keeps me from knowing how it will work, and I'm somewhat worried about the Jedi as I've heard that cross classing doesn't work normally for them.


Any help is appretiated.



hehe... I just read the post a lot more carefully and realized that they meant that you can only have 2 classes, not 2 cross classes. Forget about all of the questions for the first post, I'll repost the only one I still need the answer to.

When I change my 3/4 Soldier/Scoundrel to a 3/0 or 3/1 Soldier/Jedi Guardian will the Scoundrel class skills that are not class skills for Soldiers or Guardians still be class skills, or not?



I don't think that you keep those special types of feat like the sneak attack feats but all of the skills that you gained will stick. 

The sneak attack feats don't show up on the Feats section ,but then again, niether do about 75% of the other feats that you get from FLUing.  So maybe they are still calculated into the attack rolls when your character does a sneak attack. 

I'm gonna look into this further and then post again when I find out. 



I see that you're using my method to use the gliches...One thing you did wrong right off the bat was to do that stupid skill glich. (my method doesn't call for that)  For it to work on Taris you need to start your first cross class at level 2!!! NOT level 3!!! 

 just an example:(works with all classes but it's a little different for each one) Let's say you're a SCOUT and you've reached the sewers and you're ready to do the attribute would start at level 2 scout then cross class with garth so you'd become a level 2 scout, level 1 solider(OVERALL NOW YOU'RE AT LEVEL 3!!!) at which point you'd be going on an attribute level(level 4) Reload after doing the first cross class...Now you cross with mission and gain an attribute, skills, and a feat.  To get all the master feats you would have fake level up mission(with another charater) then cross class with her(at a higher level (selecting the early feats along the way during the fake level ups)

LOL.... man now even I'm confused!



Someone please help me understand here.  I re-read your first post where you’re cross-classing like crazy with all kinds of different characters.  I have just one question. WHY??  Why would you want to do any cross-classes that are not in the guide by Malak.  Those have a purpose.  You get the extra skills from Mission and then you get 4 to 5 additional level-ups once you become a Jedi.  Then you can make the rest of your party Jedi when you cross-class with them when your PC is a Jedi level 0.   What more do you want and what more is to be gained by doing all those other cross-classes?  Please know that I am not mocking what you’re doing, I just don’t understand it.   



I just prefer to become powerful early in the game....I also find my way much easier.  btw...It sounds more complicated then it really is. Once you understand how and why the gliches work, it becomes easy as pie.



The way I do it gives me 6 additional level ups when you become a jedi and every single feat and a couple of feats from other classes that you're not supposed to even have.  Also 127(max) skill in every area!



also with my most recent game I reached every master force power by the time I was like level 13 or 14(can't remember exactly)  Because I always take consular and just fake level up to level 18(real on 19) and get two master force powers per level up.



Ok, thanks for the info.

As for why I'm cross classing like crazy, its that I didn't realize that your main character was the only one that the Jedi Class would override the cross-classed class on and I wanted to get free level(and class specific feats) for the rest of my non-Jedi party members. Plus I'd be able to do the Attribute glitch with them all(I didn't understand how it worked at the time)

As for why I'm cross classing the Jedi its so I can get the other classes' class specific feats(such as Master Force Jump). And so I can do the attribute glitch without loosing their Jedi class levels. I did it to Bastila and only Bastila, and I'm pleased with the result. I made her a 7/3 Jedi Sentinel/Jedi Guardian. She has the Immunity feats and Master Force Jump. Plus for some reason her Force Points shot up. I'm going to assume either my PC passed the extra Force points to her on the level up, or your main character's first jedi level gives a big boost to FP to make up for them not getting FP from the start.

Though it is weird, all the powers I got while she was a Jedi Sentinel are still useable and still show in the pause menu, but on level up menus they don't(for example she had Stun and Stasis feild. It didn't show either and I couldn't choose the middle level, yet when I went into battle she used Stasis feild. Anybody know why this happened?

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