I discovered one thing, Actually this is a warning to every class....DO NOT, UNDER ALL MEANS, FLU YOUR ARMOR FEATS....IF YOU DO YOURE SCREWED...ALL THE ARMOR FEATS HAVE TO BE RLUED.
you can flu to obtain an armor feat. but there is something tricky with armor and implant feats. If you use FLU and select for example Implant Level 3 you will only be able to use Implantes level 3, but you cant use Implants Level 2 and 1. The same thing happen with the Armor Feats. If you use FLU to obtain the third armor feat. (heavy) you will only be able to use Heavy armors, like Calo Nord's or Cassus Fett. If you want to use all 3 types of implants and armors, select them in order as you will usually do without using the FLU's, at the Attribute level ups, remember that at that levels (4,8,12,16,20) you can't use FLU because you will lose it. At that levels, i recommend you to choose the implants feats. If you are soldiers, you know you have all the Armor Feats. at the beginning of the game.