Post Info TOPIC: Why doesnt FLU work for the stupid armor?

Why doesnt FLU work for the stupid armor?

I'm a scoudnrel and i try FLUING for the armor 920-4123409 times till i can RLU and get the master heavy armor or w/e but i cant like equip none (light medium or heavy)



I cant equip any heavy armor


RE: Why doesnt FLU work for the stupid armor?

you can flu to obtain an armor feat. but there is something tricky with armor and implant feats. If you use FLU and select for example Implant Level 3 you will only be able to use Implantes level 3, but you cant use Implants Level 2 and 1. The same thing happen with the Armor Feats. If you use FLU to obtain the third armor feat. (heavy) you will only be able to use Heavy armors, like Calo Nord's or Cassus Fett. If you want to use all 3 types of implants and armors, select them in order as you will usually do without using the FLU's, at the Attribute level ups, remember that at that levels (4,8,12,16,20) you can't use FLU because you will lose it. At that levels, i recommend you to choose the implants feats. If you are soldiers, you know you have all the Armor Feats. at the beginning of the game.


No But malak...

I did what u said. I was on level 6, FLU 1NCE (CHOSE LIGHT) FLUED 2 time AGAIN (CHOSE MEDIUM) RLUED at FLU(LEVEL 9) to get heavy, yet it dont Stick man :(


I tried nine times. Want me to like show snapshot steps of how i did it ?


RE: Why doesnt FLU work for the stupid armor?

im sorry i cant try it the way you say i dont have my kotor game right now some friend of mine have it. I have never used the FLU to give Jolee BIndo Armor Feats. but if you done it the way you said it should stick, you should be able to use heavy armors on him, i dont know if this is true but the only explanation that i think is that Jolee Bindo can't use Armors. As i said before, i have never use armors on Jolee, if some of you people have played the game normally and have Jolee with a Heavy Armor, please tell us because i dont know if it is possible to make him wear an armor. I have noticed myself that some characters can't use certain items, you should know this. Just like Non-jedis can't use Jedi Robes (unless you converted them into jedis using the glitch), maybe Jolee can't use armors, dont know why or if this is true.



no matter what ive done i cant use heavy armor like that it probably has something to do with the desription of the feats themselves. It say that w/o having light yo cant use medium or heavy no matter what, so you would have to have all 3 gotten w/ real level ups



I think that Armor's have certain hidden feats. That is that you'll need Heavy Armor Proficiency AND all of its prerequisite versions. (Light and Medium)

Darth Malak


You cant, you have to obtain every single armor feat in a RLU


nope ur all wrong...

u are all so dumb, with armor and implants u need to get them normaly unless u just want the heavy armor.  but if u flu to get medium armor then u can obtain the med and hevy armor feats.

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