I'm trying to cross class T3M4 with Bastilla right before I go into the Sith Base on Taris, right after I picked up T3M4. The goal being of course to turn T3M4 into a Jedi...I thought it would be pretty cool and funny as well.
T3M4 is level 3 ready for level up and Bastilla is a level 3 ready to level up, Bastilla came before T3M4 in the order.
After I FLU Bastilla, T3M4 became a Jedi Sentinel 1 and an Expert Droid 3, so I did that correctly and was on the right track.
I was able to select feats like Master Rapid Shot / Sniper Shot for T3M4 which he didn't have access to before (as well as the third tier for two weapon dueling, which was nice too), as well as Jedi Powers. He was still not able to equip a blaster rifle or a melee weapon regardless of what feats I selected, if you were wondering....
Anyway, he has acess to Jedi Powers, but once he casts them, his force points don't regenerate.
There is one exception, and that's when you go through a loading screen. At that point, his force powers reset.
For instance, I can go into the Sith Base, and use Master Speed (or whatever), but I would have to leave the Sith Base and come back in order for T3M4 to be able to use it again....kind of a pain in the neck.
Has anyone had any problems doing this, or any suggestions?
Anyhow, I figured this out on my own. You can't get a droid to regenerate his force points, however he does gain force points evertime there is a loading screen.
Even better, evertime you go to party selection and take him out, and then put him back in your party, his force points increase. This makes it really easy to 'charge' him up before you go into an area where you don't have access to party selection.
This works for T3 - M4 and HK - 47.
Bad thing is that I could not get the droids to use their droid equipped items (stun ray, flamethrowers, etc...) after I made them jedi's. If you chang their script from Default to Jedi/Droid Support it does not help, nor will they use their Jedi Powers when you do this.
Still, HK - 47 still kicks butt with Master Speed. Much fun, especially if your meatbag sense of humor makes you a fan of him in general.
Yay, a lot of people like HK-47 a lot, i even waited to get to Tatooine to make him a Jedi, then realized he can't wield Melee weapons/lightsabers. I was so sad. Good to see you figure it ouit by yourself, that happens once you are used to what you are doing and understand what you are doing.