Having just FLU'd my characters up to being an awesome jedi fighting force I thought I'd offer some insights into what's going on under the hood, as I see it. Be warned. This is long and rambling but there are some gems to be had if you read the lot. This is only there for people who already understand what Malak is on about. If you haven't managed to FLU your characters or come up with 2305 skill points at level 3 then reading this won't help you much. On the other hand, if you have then this may help you move outside some of the boundaries that Malak imposes. Malak metions that when cross-classing you lose the level-up for that character. This is not true (or at least it wasn't on my copy which should be the same as everyone else's). What happens when you FLU a character and the next character has a level-up available is that the second character gets an RLU but with the first characters stats/abilities/etc. This is why multi-classing works - you get a level up with the other character's class. The attribute glitch is an extended version of this. When you get forced to Jedi Level 0 that state is enforced until you level up as a Jedi. Since the program only officially recognises double-classing (as the main character that's what happens when you become a Jedi) it keeps removing all your levels in your second class that you forced by cross-classing with Mission earlier. Now when you cross-class with Mission again you are getting her RLUs because you have 5 levels to go up so you get her level 4 and level 8 attributes. You also get all her skill points and feats from those levels which will take us to the second skill bonanza. When you finish playing around with the attribute glitch, if you follow Malak's guide to the letter, you will have used Y to choose the skills that Mission gets for her FLUs during the attribute glitch. Since she's a scoundrel you get a whole lot of Stealth and Demolitions skills. You can manually beef up the other ones if you want, but since they are all 50+ anyway there's not a lot of point. Unfortunately for KOTOR it doesn't recognise numbers larger than 127 for skill level and it wraps to -128 when you go over that. Once you've finished the attribute glitch at least one and perhaps a couple of your skills will be negative. When you create your Jedi team you cross-class them with your main character - that is you do an RLU for them but with your main character's skills, feats, and class (and attribute point). If one of your skills is negative then KOTOR won't prevent you from lowering it, pretty much as much as you like. I dropped it 200 or so points for each character (as it gets regenerated again) and then they have all saved 200+ skill points for their next level up. Things to test (I haven't done these yet): 1) Try quadruple-classing - that is cross class with Mission, and with Zaalbar so you end up with a Soldier/Scoundrel/Scout/Jedi. KOTOR is designed by a DND engine builder (BIOWARE) and follows 3rd edition rules pretty closely (level limit, stats, skills, feats, even the classes map somewhat to DND). In 3rd edition DND you can only triple-class a character so this will be interesting to see. In theory, if this works and you choose Jedi Consular as your Jedi class, you may be able to take every class in the game by cross-classing while you are Jedi level 0 on Dantooine. You have to finish the Jedi stuff before taking any Jedi Levels so you get Bastilla and Juhani back and have a Sentinel & Guardian to cross class with. I haven't even thought what cross-classing with T3H8 would do. 2) I don't understand why cross-classing will only work at attribute levels. Mission's level-ups all apply to you when you are doing the atribute hack, not just the ones on attribute levels so why does that not extend to all cross-classing? 3) Unlimited level-ups only seem to be available to your main character and even then only when you have just been blatted to Jedi-L0. Just what heights can your character aspire to? Warning! Even though you can acquire, for real, just about every feat for your character during attribute hoarding, resist the temptation. If you get to a level up where you are supposed to get a feat and have none to apply then you can't do that level up. To work around this, if you do manage to get yourself into this situation, you may be able to FLU another character onto yourself so that their FEAT options are the ones available to you. If you do this you will only get their additions to your stats/feats & so-on but at least you will get past the level-up.
That'll do for now. I'll be back later when I've had a better chance to muck around with FLUing.
i readed all your post, i think you understanded the FLU almost in every aspect. I have some doubts of some things you said, like multiple class crossing, i know that you can only be 2 classes at a time, for example if you think of crossing bastila with juhani , bastila will only be Sentinel/Guardian. If you try to do this with your character who is a consular again, i suppose bastila will lose Guardian class and be Sentinel/consular, not Sentinel/guardian/consular. There are other things that i see a little weird but i dont remember all of them. I haven't tried everything with the FLU and crossclassing, so i dont have all the answers, you can break some rules that i teached you but for that you must understand very well what you done while using the guide. This is what makes this game to never end, people searching for new things, new glitches. Good post Wolf.